Telehealth Practice Serving Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Madison, WI

6580 Monona Drive

Monona, Wisconsin 53575


13800 Nicollet Blvd W

Unit #1941

Burnsville, MN 55337

(651) 200-8788



Ways to Promote Our Resilience During the Hard Times of COVID-19  Justin Less, LICSW

We all want to be resilient, yet at times it can feel elusive especially after twelve months of living through the pandemic. We've faced significant personal and collective challenge and loss and are understandably weary. How can we continue to promote "positive adaptation to adversity" even though we are worn down and desperately long for normalcy once and for all?  READ MORE

Promoting Wellness and Resilience During the COVID 19 Pandemic (Part 1)  Justin Less, LICSW

We are approaching the year mark of living through the COVID 19 pandemic and the effects of the pandemic continue to challenge our mental health and relationships.  Studies assessing the mental health of Americans are showing dramatic increases in rates of anxiety, depression, and substance use.  READ MORE

Persevering through Pain and Loss: How to Promote Resilience  Justin Less, LICSW

Throughout our lives we are challenged to face difficult (at times devastating) circumstances and life events. What allows some people to survive and persevere while others languish and fall into hopeless and helpless patterns? READ MORE


What We Resists Persists.  Justin Less, LICSW

What do we most long for when we hurt? What I am most often asked by my clients is, "what can I do when I feel the worst?" We desperately long for a way to decrease our suffering during moments are pain is the most intense.... READ MORE


Healing Trauma  Justin Less, LICSW

Having devoted much of my career to working with clients facing a wide range of traumatic stress and painful life experiences, I have understanding and appreciation for how psychological trauma can be healed. Studies show that the impact that trauma has on a person is affected by multiple factors.... READ MORE


On Change and Transition  Justin Less, LICSW

It has been said that the “only constant in life is change.” Human beings are faced with change throughout the lifespan. Some of these changes are chosen and self directed while others are unexpected, unplanned, and undesired. Much of my work as a therapist involves supporting clients to manage and thrive when facing life changes and unexpected events... READ MORE


Post Election Stress Response and Grief  Justin Less, LICSW

The Boston Globe and USA Today have described the post election anxiety that so many are experiencing since Trump won the presidential election as "a new kind of grief." Others have coined the term "trumpitized" a uniquely painful and nebulous form of traumatic stress. Even for some of those who voted for Trump, they are experiencing a uniquely challenging experience: many are afraid to speak of their support for fear others will judge them... READ MORE


What Can We Do With Our Fear?  Justin Less, LICSW

Fear is a basic human emotion, an instinctive and necessary reaction to perceived threats.  Fear allows us to anticipate, prepare, and act in ways that help ensure safety and survival.  However, fear is often out of proportion to circumstance and seems to be in a state of overdrive to the point that we are locked in a pattern of self-doubt, restlessness, and panic that becomes our baselines state of being... READ MORE


Grief and Loss  Justin Less, LICSW

Having worked extensively with clients grieving the loss of a loved one, I have profound respect and compassion for those who are grappling with loss. Grief manifests differently in each of us based on our personal history, culture, religion, and the type of loss we are facing. Clients' regularly tell me that what they most need when grieving is the presence of kind, attentive, and supportive people in their lives... READ MORE


Working with Adolescents  Justin Less, LICSW

Working with adolescents is incredibly fulfilling and has been a primary focus of my career as a therapist. Adolescence is a time of profound growth and discovery. Along the way, teens can become overwhelmed, anxious, and depressed for many different reasons. It is common for teens to feel uncertain about their future, ambivalent about growing up and facing more responsibility, and unsure how to navigate the complexities of their social environment... READ MORE

Please Feel Free To Contact Me Anytime





9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



